Articles in journal, book chapters
Saswata Paul,
Chris McCarthy,
Stacy Patterson,
and Carlos Varela.
Formal verification of timely knowledge propagation in airborne networks.
Science of Computer Programming,
ISSN: 0167-6423.
Keyword(s): Formal methods,
Distributed systems,
Autonomous systems,
Probabilistic properties,
Theorem proving,
Proof library.
Peiyuan Zhou,
Saswata Paul,
Airin Dutta,
Carlos Varela,
and Fotis Kopsaftopoulos.
On Formal Verification of Data-Driven Flight Awareness: Leveraging the Cramér-Rao Lower Bound of Stochastic Functional Time Series Models,
pages 44-52.
Springer Nature Switzerland,
ISBN: 978-3-031-52670-1.
Keyword(s): AR models,
state awareness..
Elkin Cruz-Camacho,
Ahmad Amer,
Fotis Kopsaftopoulos,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Formal Safety Envelopes for Provably Accurate State Classification by Data-Driven Flight Models.
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems,
Keyword(s): Formal verification,
Safety envelopes,
Runtime verification,
Saswata Paul,
Elkin Cruz,
Airin Dutta,
Ankita Bhaumik,
Erik Blasch,
Gul Agha,
Stacy Patterson,
Fotis Kopsaftopoulos,
and Carlos Varela.
Formal Verification of Safety-Critical Aerospace Systems.
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine,
Keyword(s): theorem proving,
runtime verification,
stochastic systems,
distributed systems.
Saswata Paul,
Gul A. Agha,
Stacy Patterson,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Eventual Consensus in Synod: Verification using a Failure-Aware Actor Model.
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering - A NASA Journal,
Keyword(s): formal verification,
distributed systems,
distributed computing,
air traffic management,
actor model.
Sida Chen,
Shigeru Imai,
Wennan Zhu,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Towards Learning Spatio-Temporal Data Stream Relationships for Failure Detection in Avionics,
pages 103-127.
Springer International Publishing,
ISBN: 978-3-030-74568-4.
Keyword(s): programming languages,
data streaming,
cyber physical systems.
Michael Giancola,
Selmer Bringsjord,
Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu,
and Carlos Varela.
Making Maximally Ethical Decisions via Cognitive Likelihood and Formal Planning,
pages 127-142.
Springer International Publishing,
ISBN: 978-3-031-09823-9.
Camilo Castellanos,
Carlos A. Varela,
and Dario Correal.
ACCORDANT: A domain specific-model and DevOps approach for big data analytics architectures.
Journal of Systems and Software,
ISSN: 0164-1212.
Keyword(s): Software architecture,
Big data analytics deployment,
Domain-specific model,
Quality scenarios,
Performance monitoring.
Michael Giancola,
Selmer Bringsjord,
Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu,
and Carlos Varela.
Making Maximally Ethical Decisions via Cognitive Likelihood & Formal Planning.
Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligent Systems, ed. M. Ferreira (Springer),
Baoluo Meng,
Daniel Larraz,
Kit Siu,
Abha Moitra,
John Interrante,
William Smith,
Saswata Paul,
Daniel Prince,
Heber Herencia-Zapana,
M. Fareed Arif,
Moosa Yahyazadeh,
Vidhya Tekken Valapil,
Michael Durling,
Cesare Tinelli,
and Omar Chowdhury.
VERDICT: A Language and Framework for Engineering Cyber Resilient and Safe System.
Keyword(s): cyber security,
formal verification,
assurance case.
Saswata Paul,
Fotis Kopsaftopoulos,
Stacy Patterson,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Towards Formal Correctness Envelopes for Dynamic Data-Driven Aerospace Systems.
In Frederica Darema and Erik Blasch, editors, Handbook of Dynamic Data-Driven Application Systems.
Note: Preprint. To appear.
Keyword(s): dddas,
data streaming,
cyber physical systems,
distributed computing,
formal verification,
air traffic management.
S. Shelton,
H. Newberg,
J. Weiss,
J. Bauer,
M. Arsenault,
L. Widrow,
C. Rayment,
R. Judd,
T. Desell,
M. Magdon-Ismail,
M. Newby,
C. Rice,
B. Szymanski,
J. Thompson,
C. Varela,
B. Willett,
S. Ulin,
and L. Newberg.
An Algorithm for Reconstructing the Orphan Stream Progenitor with MilkyWay@home Volunteer Computing.
pp 26,
Note: Accepted May 2019, to appear.
Keyword(s): distributed systems,
cloud computing.
Rajkumar Buyya,
Satish Narayana Srirama,
Giuliano Casale,
Rodrigo Calheiros,
Yogesh Simmhan,
Blesson Varghese,
Erol Gelenbe,
Bahman Javadi,
Luis Miguel Vaquero,
Marco A. S. Netto,
Adel Nadjaran Toosi,
Maria Alejandra Rodriguez,
Ignacio M. Llorente,
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati,
Pierangela Samarati,
Dejan Milojicic,
Carlos Varela,
Rami Bahsoon,
Marcos Dias de Assuncao,
Omer Rana,
Wanlei Zhou,
Hai Jin,
Wolfgang Gentzsch,
Albert Zomaya,
and Haiying Shen.
A Manifesto for Future Generation Cloud Computing: Research Directions for the Next Decade.
ACM Computing Surveys,
51:1 - 38,
November 2018.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming.
Shigeru Imai,
Erik Blasch,
Alessandro Galli,
Wennan Zhu,
Frederick Lee,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Airplane Flight Safety Using Error-Tolerant Data Stream Processing.
IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Magazine,
Keyword(s): programming languages,
cyber physical systems,
data streaming.
Shigeru Imai,
Sida Chen,
Wennan Zhu,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Dynamic Data-Driven Learning for Self-Healing Avionics.
Cluster Computing,
November 2017.
ISSN: 1573-7543.
Keyword(s): programming languages,
cyber physical systems,
data streaming.
Shigeru Imai,
Pratik Patel,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Encyclopedia on Cloud Computing,
chapter 50: Developing Elastic Software for the Cloud,
pages 609-627.
Note: Invited book chapter.
ISBN: 978-1-118-82197-8.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
cloud computing,
actor model.
Travis Desell and Carlos A. Varela.
SALSA Lite: A Hash-Based Actor Runtime for Efficient Local Concurrency.
In Concurrent Objects and Beyond,
volume 8665 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 144-166.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
ISBN: 978-3-662-44470-2.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming,
programming languages,
actor model.
Matthew Newby,
Nathan Cole,
Heidi Jo Newberg,
Travis Desell,
Malik Magdon-Ismail,
Boleslaw Szymanski,
Carlos Varela,
Benjamin Willett,
and Brian Yanny.
A Spatial Characterization of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy Tidal Tails.
The Astronomical Journal,
May 2013.
Keyword(s): scientific computing,
distributed computing.
Marco A.S. Netto,
Christian Vecchiola,
Michael Kirley,
Carlos A. Varela,
and Rajkumar Buyya.
Use of run time predictions for automatic co-allocation of multi-cluster resources for iterative parallel applications.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
71(10):1388 - 1399,
ISSN: 0743-7315.
Keyword(s): concurrent programming,
grid computing.
Gustavo A. Guevara S.,
Travis Desell,
Jason Laporte,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Modular Visualization of Distributed Systems.
CLEI Electronic Journal,
April 2011.
Note: Best papers from CLEI 2010.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
distributed systems visualization,
network topologies.
Nathan Cole,
Travis Desell,
Daniel Lombranaa Gonzalez,
Francisco Fernandez de Vega,
Malik Magdon-Ismail,
Heidi Newberg,
and Boleslaw K. Szymanski,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Parallel and Computational Intelligence,
chapter Evolutionary Algorithms on Volunteer Computing Platforms: The MilkyWay@Home Project,
pages 64-90.
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
scientific computing,
grid computing.
Kaoutar El Maghraoui,
Travis Desell,
Boleslaw K. Szymanski,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Malleable Iterative MPI Applications.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,
March 2009.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming,
grid computing,
scientific computing.
Nathan Cole,
Heidi Newberg,
Malik Magdon-Ismail,
Travis Desell,
Kristopher Dawsey,
Warren Hayashi,
Jonathan Purnell,
Boleslaw Szymanski,
Carlos A. Varela,
Benjamin Willett,
and James Wisniewski.
Maximum Likelihood Fitting of Tidal Streams with Application to the Sagittarius Dwarf Tidal Tails.
Astrophysical Journal,
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
grid computing,
scientific computing.
Travis Desell,
Kaoutar El Maghraoui,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Malleable Applications for Scalable High Performance Computing.
Cluster Computing,
pp 323-337,
June 2007.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
grid computing,
Kaoutar El Maghraoui,
Travis Desell,
Boleslaw K. Szymanski,
and Carlos A. Varela.
The Internet Operating System: Middleware for Adaptive Distributed Computing.
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), Special Issue on Scheduling Techniques for Large-Scale Distributed Platforms,
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
grid computing,
James D. Teresco,
Joseph E. Flaherty,
Scott B. Baden,
Jamal Faik,
Sébastien Lacour,
Manish Parashar,
Valerie E. Taylor,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,
chapter Approaches to Architecture-Aware Parallel Scientific Computation,
pages 33-58.
December 2006.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
grid computing,
scientific computing.
Carlos A. Varela,
Paolo Ciancarini,
and Kenjiro Taura.
Worldwide computing: Adaptive middleware and programming technology for dynamic Grid environments.
Scientific Programming Journal,
December 2005.
Note: Guest Editorial.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
grid computing,
internet programming languages.
Kaoutar El Maghraoui,
Travis Desell,
Boleslaw K. Szymanski,
James D. Teresco,
and Carlos A. Varela.
Towards a Middleware Framework for Dynamically Reconfigurable Scientific Computing.
In L. Grandinetti, editor, Grid Computing and New Frontiers of High Performance Processing,
volume 14 of Advances in Parallel Computing,
pages 275-301.
Keyword(s): concurrent programming,
distributed computing,
grid computing,
Gul Agha and Carlos A. Varela.
Worldwide Computing Middleware.
In M. Singh, editor, Practical Handbook on Internet Computing.
CRC Press,
Note: Invited book chapter.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
grid computing,
J. Field and C. A. Varela.
Toward a Programming Model for Building Reliable Systems with Distributed State.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,
March 2003.
Note: Invited journal paper.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming,
coordination models.
Carlos A. Varela and Gul Agha.
Programming Dynamically Reconfigurable Open Systems with SALSA.
ACM SIGPLAN Notices. OOPSLA'2001 Intriguing Technology Track Proceedings,
December 2001.
Keyword(s): concurrent programming,
internet programming languages.
G. Agha,
N. Jamali,
and C. A. Varela.
Agent Naming and Coordination: Actor Based Models and Infrastructures.
In A. Ominici,
F. Zambonelli,
M. Klusch,
and R. Tolksdorf, editors, Coordination of Internet Agents,
chapter 9,
pages 225-248.
Note: Invited book chapter.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming,
coordination models,
software agents.
C. Varela and G. Agha.
What after Java? From Objects to Actors.
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems: The International J. of Computer Telecommunications and Networking,
April 1998.
Note: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on The World Wide Web (WWW7), Brisbane, Australia.
Keyword(s): concurrent programming,
internet programming languages.
C. Varela,
D. Nekhayev,
P. Chandrasekharan,
C. Krishnan,
V. Govindan,
D. Modgil,
S. Siddiqui,
D. Lebedenko,
and M. Winslett.
DB: Browsing Object-Oriented Databases over the Web.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the World-Wide Web. World-Wide Web Journal,
December 1995.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
databases and the web.
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