Publications about 'coordination models'
C. Varela.
Worldwide Computing with Universal Actors: Linguistic Abstractions for Naming, Migration, and Coordination.
PhD thesis,
U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming,
grid computing,
internet programming languages,
coordination models,
software agents.
Articles in journal, book chapters
J. Field and C. A. Varela.
Toward a Programming Model for Building Reliable Systems with Distributed State.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,
March 2003.
Note: Invited journal paper.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming,
coordination models.
G. Agha,
N. Jamali,
and C. A. Varela.
Agent Naming and Coordination: Actor Based Models and Infrastructures.
In A. Ominici,
F. Zambonelli,
M. Klusch,
and R. Tolksdorf, editors, Coordination of Internet Agents,
chapter 9,
pages 225-248.
Note: Invited book chapter.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming,
coordination models,
software agents.
J. Field and C. A. Varela.
Transactors: A Programming Model for Maintaining Globally Consistent Distributed State in Unreliable Environments.
In ACM Conference on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2005),
Long Beach, CA,
pages 195-208,
January 2005.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming,
coordination models.
Ayse Morali,
Leonardo Varela,
and Carlos A. Varela.
An Electronic Marketplace: Agent-based Coordination Models for Online Auctions.
In XXXI Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática,
Cali, Colombia,
pages 573-586,
October 2005.
Keyword(s): electronic commerce,
concurrent programming,
software agents,
cyber physical systems.
J. Field and C. A. Varela.
Toward a Programming Model for Building Reliable Systems with Distributed State.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (affiliated with CONCUR),
Brno, Czech Republic,
pages 328-346,
August 2002.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming,
coordination models.
C. Varela and G. Agha.
A Hierarchical Model for Coordination of Concurrent Activities.
In P. Ciancarini and A. Wolf, editors,
Third International Conference on Coordination Languages and Models (COORDINATION '99),
LNCS 1594,
pages 166-182,
April 1999.
Keyword(s): concurrent programming,
coordination models.
G. Agha,
M. Astley,
J. Sheikh,
and C. A. Varela.
Modular Heterogeneous System Development: A Critical Analysis of Java.
In J. Antonio, editor,
Proceedings of the Seventh Heterogeneous Computing Workshop (HCW '98),
pages 144-155,
March 1998.
IEEE Computer Society.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
internet programming languages,
concurrent programming,
coordination models.
J. Field and C. A. Varela.
Transactors: A Programming Model for Maintaining Globally Consistent Distributed State in Unreliable Environments.
Technical report 15,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Department of Computer Science,
Troy, NY,
December 2004.
Note: Includes proofs of theorems in POPL'05 paper.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming,
coordination models.
Phillip Kuang.
Implementation of the Transactor Model: Fault Tolerant Distributed Computing using Asynchronous Local Checkpointing.
Master's thesis,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
July 2014.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming,
coordination models,
internet programming languages.
Brian Boodman.
Implementing and Verifying the Safety of the Transactor Model.
Master's thesis,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
May 2008.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming,
coordination models,
internet programming languages,
formal verification.
Mayuresh Kulkarni.
A Calculus for Distributed Mobile Computing with Static Resource Access and Usage Control.
Master's thesis,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
July 2005.
Keyword(s): coordination models,
concurrent programming.
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