Publications of Bahman Javadi
Articles in journal, book chapters
Rajkumar Buyya,
Satish Narayana Srirama,
Giuliano Casale,
Rodrigo Calheiros,
Yogesh Simmhan,
Blesson Varghese,
Erol Gelenbe,
Bahman Javadi,
Luis Miguel Vaquero,
Marco A. S. Netto,
Adel Nadjaran Toosi,
Maria Alejandra Rodriguez,
Ignacio M. Llorente,
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati,
Pierangela Samarati,
Dejan Milojicic,
Carlos Varela,
Rami Bahsoon,
Marcos Dias de Assuncao,
Omer Rana,
Wanlei Zhou,
Hai Jin,
Wolfgang Gentzsch,
Albert Zomaya,
and Haiying Shen.
A Manifesto for Future Generation Cloud Computing: Research Directions for the Next Decade.
ACM Computing Surveys,
51:1 - 38,
November 2018.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
concurrent programming.
R. Buyya,
S. Narayana Srirama,
G. Casale,
R. Calheiros,
Y. Simmhan,
B. Varghese,
E. Gelenbe,
B. Javadi,
L. M. Vaquero,
M. A. S. Netto,
A. Nadjaran Toosi,
M. A. Rodriguez,
I. M. Llorente,
S. De Capitani di Vimercati,
P. Samarati,
D. Milojicic,
C. Varela,
R. Bahsoon,
M. Dias de Assuncao,
O. Rana,
W. Zhou,
H. Jin,
W. Gentzsch,
A. Zomaya,
and H. Shen.
A Manifesto for Future Generation Cloud Computing: Research Directions for the Next Decade,
November 2017.
Keyword(s): distributed computing,
cloud computing.
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Last modified: Tue Mar 4 21:58:35 2025
Author: led2.
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