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SALSA programs can be executed with a set of system properties:
- -Dport=<port number>: To specify the port number that the
automatically started theater will listen to. Otherwise, a random port number is used.
- -Didentifier=<id>: To specify the relative locator of the bootstrapping actor's UAL.
- -Duan = <uan>: To specify the UAN of the bootstrapping actor.
- -Dual= <ual>: To specify the UAL of the bootstrapping actor.
- -Dnogc: The local garbage collector will not be triggered
- -Dgcverbose: To show the behavior of local GC
- -Dnodie: Making a dynamically created theater alive
Here comes the example:
- java -Dport = 5050 -Didentifier = actor/hello HelloWorld
A theater is started at the current host (e.g.
The dynamically created theater listens on port , and
the HelloWorld actor has the UAL:
- rmsp://
Wei-Jen Wang