- Download the latest version of SALSA. You will find the latest release in this URL:
- Create a directory called examples and save the HelloWorld.salsa program inside it. You can
use any simple text editor or Java editor to write your SALSA programs. SALSA modules are similar to Java
packages. This means you have to follow the same directory structure conventions when working with modules as
you do when working with packages in Java.
- Compile the SALSA source file into a Java source file using the SALSA compiler. It is recommended to
include the SALSA JAR file in your class path. Alternatively you can use -cp to specify its path in the
command line. If you are using MS Windows use semi-colon (;) as a class path delimiter, if you are using
just about anything else, use colon (:). For example:
java -cp salsa<version>.jar:. salsac.SalsaCompiler examples/*.salsa
- Use any Java compiler to compile the generated Java file. Make sure to specify the SALSA class path using
-classpath if you have not included it already in your path:
javac -classpath salsa<version>.jar:. examples/*.java
- Execute your program:
java -cp salsa<version>.jar:. examples.HelloWorld