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Running an application

Assuming a theater is running at host1:4040, and a naming service at host2:5555. One can run the HelloWorld example shown in Section 3.5) at host1:4040 as follows:

java -cp salsa<version>.jar:. -Duan=uan://host2:5555/myhelloworld -Dual=rmsp://host1:4040/myaddr examples.HelloWorld

As one can see, the standard output of host1 prints out "Hello World". One may also find that the application does not terminate. In fact, the reason for non-termination at the original host is that the application creates a theater and the theater joins the world-wide computer environment. Formally speaking, the application does terminate but the host to begin with becomes a part of the world-wide computer.

Wei-Jen Wang 2005-10-24