Hello World Example.


Source file

Either copy and paste this behavior into a file named HelloWorld.salsa or click below to download the file. HelloWorld.salsa must be placed in a directory named demo/.


Source Code

module demo;

   This behavior simply sends two print(...) messages to the
   standardOutput actor.

behavior HelloWorld {
      The act(...) message handler is invoked by stand-alone
      theaters automatically and is used to bootstrap salsa

   void act( String[] argv ) {

      standardOutput<-print( "Hello" ) @

      standardOutput<-print( "World!" );

      Notice that the above code is different from
         standardOutput<-print( "Hello" );
         standardOutput<-print( "World!" );
      the code above uses a continuation to insure that the
      world message is sent after the hello message
      completes processing.




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